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Welcome to GuardChild

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Do you know what Apps your child is using?

Is your child being bullied?/h2>

Has your child visited porn sites with their smartphones?

If you don’t know the answer to these questions your child’s smartphone probably is not protected. Think about it, your computer is protected with antivirus software – I hope so –  but how are you protecting your child from sexual predators, cyber bullies and other online dangers? You thought about buying monitoring software but haven’t gotten around to it. Did you know many states are prosecuting kids for Sexting?

Fact: ‘Females are more often the victims of bullying than males’ Pew Research Internet Project

Be pro-active, act now, and keep your child safe in today’s digital world. If you’re thinking ‘not my child’, that’s what parents whose teens sent nude photos thought…

You hear the news and know every day children are exposed to cyber bullying, sexting, pornography, sexual predators and cyber-stalkers. In most cases, your kids won’t tell you that they are victims. Protect your child now! If you don’t have Monitoring Software on your child’s cell phone, tablet, and computer, your child could be at risk!

GuardChild is your one-stop source for cyber protection. Stop the threat now and protect your family! You deserve peace of mind knowing your child and family is safe using their digital devices.

What GuardChild Offers

1. Protection – We’ve selected the best Parental Control Monitoring SoftwareCell Mobile Phone Tracking, Spyware and the top iPad and Tablet tracking software  so you’ll know what your child does online, with their smart phone,  iPad or tablet by monitoring calls, web searches, email, text messages, photos sent and received, apps uses, IM’s,  Facebook, YouTube, passwords, chat rooms, online gaming sites, iChat and more. Protect your child from cyber bullies, know what Apps are installed on their cell phone and text messages they send and receive.

2. Education – Access GuardChild’s Parent Resource Center with safety resources and Internet abuse statistics. Register with the GuardChild Community to access websites and articles, our Chat/Text Acronym and Sexting dictionary. Read our Internet Statistics on bullying, driving while texting, sexting, identity theft and know what kids are doing in today’s digital world.

3. Community – Interact with other parents in our  Community Blog – share your concerns and successes, or submit articles, advice, and questions. Learn how to communicate with your child about the dangers on the Internet and keep them safe from cyber bullies, sexual predators, and trolls.

We at GuardChild are here to help you make informed decisions about protecting your family from cyber threats and identity theft. You don’t have to purchase monitoring software, you can enable parental controls on all electronic devices, games, and cable television for some measure of protection.

However, in addition to enabling parental controls, your decision to install monitoring or blocking software (Oftentimes called spyware) will give you some comfort knowing your children are protected from cyber bullies, sexual predators, and other cyber threats when they use their digital devices.

Keep in mind that monitoring your child is NOT spying – it’s your job. You are watching what your child does online as you would offline. You have the option to select what you want to see, e.g. troublesome words, photos, or inappropriate content to keep your child safe in today’s digital world.

Installing parental control software needs to be part of a larger plan to educate yourself, and your children about being safe with their devices, understanding the repercussions about downloading certain Apps, and how they are used. Finding ‘teachable moments’ to have an open dialogue with your child about cyber bullying and other digital crimes is so important in keeping the lines of communication open and help your child understand the impact of using digital devices inappropriately.

All of our software runes in stealth mode, meaning it’s invisible to the targeted cell phone. Most of our software and apps can be installed in minutes and is available to you any where in the world. You never have to access your child’s device to see what they are doing or where they are at any given time.

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